Monday 30 November 2009

Merlin - Sound



The use of sound in this clip was mostly expressed through music. When the boy is in the armour room, tense music is used and gets louder and more aggressive the closer he gets to the snake shield, the music suddenly stops when the man stops him. When they are talking, dangerous and slightly mysterious music is played to signify that this man is a dark character. The music stops when the boy is dismissed and we know he is safe. In the montage of Arthur getting ready for battle, fast paced music is used to match the shots that are being shown which are also fast paced. As Arthur is walking along to the arena, we hear him approaching applause, which signifies he is headed towards a mass group of people. As the contenders fight fast action music is played to signify the danger and seriousness of the battle, the roaring spectators also signify the danger and competitiveness.

When we see the woman getting kissed on the hand, it signifies that she is a beautiful woman, only n the scene to be admired. Knights are also lined up to meet the woman because they are all fighting for her like she’s a trophy or an object.

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